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Difference Between Salaf, Salafi, and Salafiyah

Difference Between Salaf, Salafi, and Salafiyah
GO TO PUBLIC- Talking about the meaning of "Salaf" is not only fixed in one sense. As we know that the Arabic language has a lot of meaning in one word he said that if developed to various Wazan, so it means different, as well as the difference of the Harakat.

This term has since been used in Indonesia, such as Pesantren Salafiyah, which means that the method is still using methods of Salaf in the process of channeling knowledge, namely Sorogan and Bandongan or in the term hadith science is Tahammul wal ' Via Qira'ah ' ala Shaykh (Disciples read to the teacher) or Sima ' min Shaykh (the teacher who reads and disciples who listen).

Lately there are also many groups that have been devoted to the Salafi followers. If there are some villagers hear the term, then immediately slipped meaning of pesantren Salafiyah scattered in their village, or santri-students of the hut, when the meaning is not it.

Quoting from the book of Nazarat Fi Jauharatit Tauhid (compiled by Dr. Abdul Hamid Ali Izz Al-Arab, Dr. Shalah Mahmud Al-'adily, and Dr. Ramadhan Abdul Basith Salim, all three of Al-Azhar's Egyptian lecturers), we need to distinguish the three terms above because one of the Three terms are different from others.

As for the term "Salaf" is the companions, Tabi'in and Atba'it Taabi'een that lived to the limit of 300 H. As well as the best generation, as described in the Hadith Prophet Muhammad narrated by Imam Bukhari with the Isnaad of Abdullah bin Mas'ud from Prophet saw :
خَيْرُ النَّاسِ قَرْنِي، ثُمَّ الَّذِينَ يَلُونَهُمْ ، ثُمَّ الَّذِينَ يَلُونَهُمْ، ثُمَّ الَّذِينَ يَلُونَهُمْ، ثُمَّ يَجِئُ قَوْمٌ تَسْبِقُ شَهَادَةُ أَحَدِهِمْ يَمَيْنُهُ وَ يَمَيْنُهُ شَهَادَتُهُ
That is, "Sebaik-baik man is on my own (friend), then the people after them (Tabi'in), then after again (Atba'it Tabi'in), then there will come a people whose testimony precedes his oath, and his oath Precedes his testimony. "

Although their definition to the limit is 300 H, here are important records of their harmony with the Qur'an and hadith. If only lived in the span of 300 H but the contradiction with both of these guidelines, it is not referred to as Salaf. One example is the Musyabbihah sect that lived at that time.

Musyabbihah is a tekstualis group in reading the Quran and hadith that believes that Allah is similar to his being, who has limbs such as hand, footed, mouth, eyed, and so on.

As for the "Salafi" are those (scholars and ordinary people) who came after 300 (H) and are not allowed in the Salaf that has been mentioned above, also embraced the Manhajnya (method).

The term can be attributed to all those who follow Manhaj Salaf, even we can, but it happens if it really is a behavior and its manhajj based on the Salaf, not only bears the title of Salafi but his behavior is different.

The last is the Salafiyyah that was phonetically and compiled by Shaykh Al-Islam ibn Taymiyah (728) and his disciple Ibnul Qayyim (the al-Jauziyyah) of the Qur'an, Hadith, deeds and the words of the Salaf and to deify it in the form of a special book and fixed principles.

The elements in the second book of scholars were already there before, but still scattered apart, then it was gathered.
< br /> After the emergence of Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhab (1206) who disseminated what was composed by both scholars, Ibn Taymiyah and Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah Rahimahumallah on the Arabian Peninsula, he held fast to some treatises and an overview quoted from The books of Ibn Taymiyah.

Quoting from the book of Nazarat fi Jauharatit Tauhid, there is a note that I think is important from the words of one of the researchers in the book Al-Fikrul Islamy Al-Hadith by Dr Abdul Maqshud Abdul Ghani;
"If we compare between the thoughts of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and Ibn Taymiyah in some issues the creed is almost both equal and no different, except Ibn Taymiyah has detailed his opinion and to strengthen it with the evidence and Hujjah, and denies the opinions of the person who contradicted him with the evidence and the Isnaad. While Muhamad bin Abdul Wahhab is only a brief description. "

The prominent thing of the three is only in terms of time and the footing in the opinion, if the Salafi is indeed the people who have the same as followers Manhaj Salaf or Ahlussunah wal pilgrims, Salafiyyah more Condongnya called business Regeneration, although in some the reality is not so.

As a citizen of Indonesia, many naturalization terms from other languages that we use in the daily life in general, as before the Salafiyah boarding school.

Again we must examine a term based on its meaning, substance, and essence. Do not be stuck on the side of the sand. Sometimes a term differs between practice and its substance. Wallahu A'lam. (Amien Nurhakim/ PMII NEWS Online )

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